The Evolution of Manufacturing Facility Design

Going beyond operational efficiency means designing to attract and retain talent.

When looking to build a new facility or renovate an existing one, manufacturing leaders need to consider several factors for the best return on investment. In the past, operational
efficiency was often the most prominent way to ensure return on investment, if not if not the only consideration. But today, the physical characteristics of a manufacturing facility must now deliver beyond operational excellence. The building or campus’ presence must now also serve as a recruiting tool, a reinforcement of brand, a testament to the company’s mission and values. Not to mention, contributing to the overall aesthetic of the community to ensure government and neighborhood support.

21% of employees would take a 10% pay cut to work in a nicer environment. (Staples Annual Workplace Survey)

69% of employees said they would be willing to give up other benefits to work in a well-designed space. (CBRE Study)

54% of employees agree that when it comes to considering a new job, office design is equally or more important than office location. That number increases to 64% among mid-level employees (Capital One Study)

Project contact
steve kimball
science and technology market leader
513 841 3904
