aerohub innovation district

The 190-acre AeroHUB master plan strategically co-locates highly skilled designers, engineers, manufacturers, researchers, and educators to create a unique advanced manufacturing, research and development, workforce training, and incubator environment. Located in the Village of Evendale, it is advantageously adjacent to the GE Aviation campus. The completed Site Master Plan outlines near and long-term implementation and growth focused on property currently owned and controlled by Evendale, with options for an expanded vision if additional identified adjacent properties become available. The development’s goals include the promotion of innovation, sustainability, and collaboration while also benefitting the community and region. AeroHub has international leading sustainable and resilient development guidelines, such as 20.9 EUI base load, Net-Zero Stormwater, native-only botanical garden, restored natural habitat, EV infrastructure, and a district-wide geothermal loop system.