work from park concept
Clermont County residents have become more mobile and have more options in their work environments. To participate in this need for engaging workplaces, Clermont County Park District provided emersion a stipend for a design competition entry centered around developing a Work from Nature or Work from Park concept. The site is a newly purchased piece of land from the Grailville property in Loveland, Ohio.
The winning design will be entered in a grant to achieve additional funding for the Work from Park solution. Our design focuses on engaging the history, topography, flora and fauna of the site while creating unique meeting spaces for County residents, families, co-workers and guests.
Pods are designed with an emphasis on the use of natural materials. They vary in size and design to allow choice of venue, view and privacy and are outfitted with worksurfaces, furniture, power and WiFi. Some pods are secluded which mimic a bear’s den; others are more open and resemble a wood raft on a sea of prairie grass.
Each pod is designed to be “A Small Building with Big Impact and Zero Footprint”.
The grounds include an observation deck which allows visitors to have a commanding view of the property to bird or people watch. Just below is a natural playscape for kids to engage with parents or parents can work in a close by pod within easy eye and ear shot. Restrooms are close by with a recycling and compost center.
Design Concept
Pods vary between 64 sf and 390 sf
Net Zero/ Positive Energy design
Solar/ photovoltaics
Zero Carbon footprint
Rainwater capture
Low flow fixtures/ Waterless urinals
Vegetated roofs
Native plant species
Habitat restoration
Check dams in swale
Healthy building materials
FSC wood
Edible garden/ orchard