district 3
District 3 Headquarters is a state-of-the-art facility and was the first LEED Platinum, Net-Zero Energy police station in the world! Located on the City’s west side, 200 of Cincinnati’s finest officers serve 14 diverse neighborhoods. Community engagement was critical for the project’s success, where feedback from police staff, neighborhood committees, and city planners influenced the overall design aesthetic and sustainability goals. The robust goals not only reduced life cycle costs but also ensured police functionality and tenant security measures were met, and in most cases, exceeded. Other unique aspects of the design include wayfinding, the “1 Percent Public Art Program”, and several elements supporting Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). District 3 continues to serve as a catalyst for positive change and for integrating social and environmental factors into the design process.

40,000 sf
$12 Million
Design / Build
26.6 kBtu/ft2 EUI
1st Net-Zero Energy & LEED Platinum Certified Police Station in the World (at time of completion)
6th largest Net-Zero Energy Certified Project in the World (at time of completion)
1st Net-Zero Energy Certified Project in Ohio
1st Police Station Certified Under ILFIʼs Building-Scale Program
2nd Project in Ohio Certified Under ILFIʼs Building-Scale Program Net-Positive Energy Performance
Genesis Engineering Group
Human Nature
White Design
Law Enforcement Design, Gold Award
Net Zero Trailblazer Award
Sustainability & Energy SMART Awards, New Construction Business Award
Build Magazine, Best USA Commercial Design/Build Project
ASHRAE National Technology Award, New Commercial Buildings
Design/Build Institute of America, National Excellence Award
Cincinnati Design Awards, Honor Award
PCI National Design Awards, Sustainable Design Winner
Green Business Awards, Finalist