colerain township
fire station 102

New stations 26 and 102 are the result of a comprehensive master plan completed by emersion DESIGN. The department is staffed 24-7-365 and has three, 24-hour shifts. Station 102 focuses on physical wellness with oversized double-doors in the fitness room that open to the outside, bringing in fresh air and sunlight. This simple design feature was a priority and increases overall staff well-being through a connection to nature. Like Station 26, Station 102 also incorporates geothermal energy with a planned Site Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of 35 and a stretch goal of 25 or less, which is eco-friendly and saves money in utility bills. There is a special emphasis on firefighter mental health in both projects. The design increases access to daylight and the natural environment surrounding the site. Simple adjustments in the design process, such as window placements make a significant impact.